teach. pray. - The Excitement of August
On Friday, I spent the day working in my classroom for the first time all summer. I'm far from done, but I made progress. Honestly, I had been dreading going back. I just haven't been ready for summer to be over. It feels as if it just started (but it always does). Once I got there all was good. I saw friends I haven't seen since June, and it was energizing to see their refreshed faces. I met new teachers, and it made my heart happy to see them so excited about their first year of teaching. It was fun listening to their grand plans for the year. I remember being in their shoes. I saw a student of mine. She had a cute summer haircut and squeezed me tight. When I left the school, I was in the school spirit so to speak. As soon as I arrived home, I logged into Amazon and started shopping. Today, the mailman dropped off my first beginning of year Amazon purchase. AaaHhhh! YES!!
Beginning of year memes and videos are popping up all over Facebook. Some are hilarious...some are not. Teacher friends are discussing curriculum, ideas, meetings, and sharing resources and pictures of their classroom. I see teachers praying for their new year and new students. It's an exciting time of year. A fresh start over. A new year. A new chapter of our story.
At the end of every year, I sit down and reflect. I make lists of things I want to change for the next year, things I want to keep the same, things I did well with, and things I need to improve upon. I make a list of two or three goals to push myself to achieve. This year, one goal is to use Google Sheets, Google Forms, or some type of electronic way to issue IEP accommodations, services, and goals to classroom teachers. I want all of the necessary information from each IEP in one easy to read and easy to get to document. I want teachers to be able to send me an electronic verification of receipt rather than going around and getting everyone's John Hancock. Another goal, I strive to find an easier, more efficient way for teachers to document lessons students miss while in resource (or out of the classroom for anything). Third goal, I want to be a stronger writing teacher. Boy, do I want to make a dent in writing growth among my students this year. Last of all, like always, I want to teach my students about the world, and though life is hard, they have every chance to make it their's and to make it as good as they strive for.
"He has improved and grown so much because of teachers like you! We feel truly blessed."
"You have truly been a blessing to us. Thank you!"
"Thank you for helping me read."
"I didn't like school until you came into my life and helped me."
All of those thank you notes from parents and students will replay in my mind when I approach miles 16 or 17 of this marathon. They will be the GU or sports beans to my long run (runner friends get this). They will be the fuel to my fire when it begins burning out.
Teachers, we can lose sight of why we were chosen for this profession. It isn't a career for the weak. We are the strong ones. We are a community. We are collaborators. We are the fighters. We are the difference makers. We have the opportunity everyday to mold the future. Don't take it for granted. Love it. Nourish it. Protect it. Remember the thank yous. Teach your hearts out even when you want to run crying. The little humans sitting in your classroom are worth it.
I pray for a year full of laughter and learning. I pray for a good nights (before the students come) rest and calm nerves on the first day of school. I pray you are surrounded by a supportive school and district community who will be there beside you, guiding you, through the thick and thin. I pray you make the most of the 180 days you have these little lives in your classroom. I pray you find love in your heart for the hard to love students. I pray you see and acknowledge even the smallest of accomplishments. I pray you also take time for your family and yourself this year. I pray you are blessed with a year full of successes.
Unfinished bulletin board (T=is it true? H=is it hones? I=is it inspiring? N=is it necessary? K=is it kind? - Thanks, Pinterest) |
Thanks, Wesley. :) |
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