
Showing posts from August, 2016

teach. - If I make a difference in one life...

When I started teaching, I always said I'd feel successful and happy if I made a difference in at least one child's life. It isn't an easy job, making a difference in people's lives. Some days it feels like I'm teaching to an empty room. It feels like they aren't listening. I feel like I'm failing them. Then, when I least expect it, there comes this glorious glimmer of hope. On Saturday, I had a missed phone call from a past student. It got me thinking about the group of students I spent three years with a few years back. This particular group of students touched my heart, and I'll never forget them. The three years we were all together were full of laughter, tears, failures, and SO many successes! These kid grew and grew and grew not only academically but emotionally and socially. They each had special circumstances at home - maybe that's why we all connected. Well, over time I built a very strong and trusting relationship with one of these studen...

pray. - Kindness is an obligation.

Lately, there have been scriptures, devotions, songs, and podcasts that have spoken to me. There have been fragments from various places that have made me think, "I need to write this down." So, I've decided to share just a few with you along with the thoughts each have provoked. For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. -Psalm 139; 13-14 I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wow, what a powerful statement. Regardless of your personal religious beliefs, think about it. Fearfully and wonderfully made - how many moments in life have been fearful yet wonderful at the same time? Anything worth doing is scary wonderful. We tend to be fearful of the unknown yet so many times we jump anyway, and the jump is exhilarating. But, the unnerving part is the landing, because the landing isn't always smooth. Sometimes, we face pl...

run. - Thanks for sharing your run with me.

Over the past month or so, running has been a challenge for me for various reasons. Recently, I decided to take a break from Without Limits, and it was a very difficult decision for me to make. My weekly mileage has drastically decreased, but I'm slowly getting back to the pavement.  Life has been slapping me in the face lately. Chronic sinus infections, allergic reactions, exercise induced asthma, issues with my immune system, anxiety and sporadic moments of depression, and moments of questioning my path have taken a toll on me physically and emotionally. Pretending to be fine and okay all the time gets exhausting. Pretending to be fine and ok because you feel you need to be strong in order to make everyone else happy is crippling. Eventually, it all starts taking a toll on your heart, mind, body, and spirit. Then, you come to this realization that all the pretending to be strong and ok and fine just screams how weak you really are, and those who really know you and who really l...

teach. - The First Week, Thank you, Technology

The first week of school has come to a close. A lot  of changes have taken place this school year. Our school has implemented PBIS, and I feel it's working beautifully. Hallway and dismissal behavior has drastically improved. Students are working hard for their Mustang Bucks. I hope the enthusiasm continues. This school year, I'm doing full inclusion in grades 2-5. In the beginning, I was a little nervous and apprehensive about the change due to past experiences at my previous school. I've been reminding myself to stay positive and make the best of it. I'm really going to miss having the flexibility and freedom of having students in my own classroom for reading instruction. But, I'm also excited to try a few new things.  New thing one - technology based anchor charts I LOVE  anchor charts! I love interactive  anchor charts! When I first heard inclusion, I heard, "NO MORE ANCHOR CHARTS!" It was heartbreaking. So, I started thinking, how can I make anc...

teach. pray. - The Excitement of August

On Friday, I spent the day working in my classroom for the first time all summer. I'm far from done, but I made progress. Honestly, I had been dreading going back. I just haven't been ready for summer to be over. It feels as if it just started (but it always does). Once I got there all was good. I saw friends I haven't seen since June, and it was energizing to see their refreshed faces. I met new teachers, and it made my heart happy to see them so excited about their first year of teaching. It was fun listening to their grand plans for the year. I remember being in their shoes. I saw a student of mine. She had a cute summer haircut and squeezed me tight. When I left the school, I was in the school spirit so to speak. As soon as I arrived home, I logged into Amazon and started shopping. Today, the mailman dropped off my first beginning of year Amazon purchase. AaaHhhh! YES!!  Beginning of year memes and videos are popping up all over Facebook. Some are hilarious...some ar...

pray. - Exposing Me

Monday night I attended a meeting put together by Speaking Down Barriers. Speaking Down Barriers is a non-profit organization and their vision is, "Our vision is of a world where all people are confronting and healing the wounds of difference, including race, gender, class, religion, national identity, and sexual orientation. Rather than our differences be a source of division, they are a source of our collective strength." With all the hate, toward every group of people, in our present day society, I've been trying to figure out a way to heal my heart and find my purpose in midst of chaos. So, I started with small baby steps like passing out happy notes downtown and attending meetings such as the one I attended Monday night. These two small actions have made a huge impact on my heart and in my thinking. During this meeting, the conversations ran deep. They were meaningful and honest yet respectful. Two statements have been cemented into my mind, and on my drive back to G...