pray. - All You Need is Faith
It's a three day weekend. I've been looking forward to this three day weekend. I've had plans of running, cleaning our house, reading, crocheting, writing, and relaxing. I had NOT planned on starting my three day weekend with a cold and sinus infection. But, life doesn't always go as we plan, and maybe, just maybe, that vulgar apple cider vinegar and lemon juice drink will do the trick in getting me
Anyhow, I thought I'd take advantage of my time sitting on the couch and write a little.
On Thursday night, I stayed out way past my bedtime (10:30 p.m.). I went to a local venue, Gottrocks, to see a band, Tuesday's Sermon. My husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law have been making guitar amps. Local musicians have been trying it out, and they really wanted Shane Pruitt, guitar player for Tuesdays Sermon, to try it out. And, since I really like Shane's style, I wanted to go too. Plus, I'm really proud of their guitar amp - it's pretty amazing.
We got to the venue early to have some dinner, and Gottrocks has a pretty mean black bean burger in case you were wondering. We were just enjoying some quality family time hanging out until the band showed up. And, then they did...and magic happened.
I'm a believer in music therapy. Music has gotten me through a lot of rough times in life. Rich lyrics have touched my heart and healed it. Listening to artists who have a real passion for their music has pulled me out of states of depression. When I was younger, I would spend hours just reading through lyrics of songs, because they helped me find faith in life again. Throughout college, concerts and anything music was one of my top priorities. I spent loads of money on music throughout the years, and I was constantly on the search for new artists who could get my soul moving. Over the past two or three years, I feel like I've given up the search a little. Music hasn't been as big a focus in my life as it has been in the past. And, I'm realizing how much I've missed it. I need it. It's medicine for a happier, more creative, and more faithful me.
The magic of Thursday night was a testimony to my spirit.
Tuesdays Sermon took the stage. The crowd was small but enthusiastic. Shane started strumming on the guitar. As usual, he got everyone's feet tapping and heads bopping. The bass player, Brandon Gillard, intrigued me. Brandon exuberated peace as he played. He looked centered and moved by the music. He was one with it. I swear he was so at peace that his heart rate had to be in rhythm with the music. Then, there was TJ Jeter. TJ is the drummer and lead vocalist. His vocals are very Curtis Mayfield. His voice is warm and smooth. Three very different personalities stood on that stage, yet they fit together like the most beautiful poetic verse.
About three songs in, I found myself closing my eyes and opening my ears and had the feeling of being exactly where I was meant to be at that exact moment - there was no other place God wanted me right then. The lyrics flowed from TJ's mouth in perfect harmony with Shane's guitar and Brandon's bass and my eyes filled with tears.
People get ready
There's a train a-coming
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear the diesels humming
Don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord
People get ready
For the train to Jordan
Picking up passengers
From coast to coast
Faith is the key
Open the doors and board them
There's room for all
Among the loved the most
There ain't no room
For the hopeless sinner
Who would hurt all mankind just
To save his own
Have pity on those
Whose chances are thinner
Cause there's no hiding place
From the Kingdom's throne...
If you don't know this song, I highly suggest taking a listen. A Rod Stewart original, I do believe, but Tuesday's Sermon consummated it. When I opened my eyes, I saw my father-in-law's face. It was glowing with jubilation and pride. I looked back at my husband. He was glowing with jubilation and pride. I looked at my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and I saw jubilation and pride. It was the most perfect equation. Such talent on that stage and such talent that created the amp in which the sound of the guitar was pouring out of. I couldn't have felt more blessed sitting on that barstool than anywhere else.
It isn't everyday you experience such a feeling, and if you don't stop to pay attention you'll miss it. It'll slip through your fingertips, and you'll never be able to grasp it again. Every person sitting in that room Thursday night was battling their own war on life, yet during that song you could feel peace and faith engulf the room. Everyone was connected - at least for a few minutes.
My God doesn't only work in a church. And, you don't have to be in a church to feel His presence. He can touch a life anywhere. All you need is faith.
#tuesdayssermon #musicistherapy #allyouneedisfaith
Anyhow, I thought I'd take advantage of my time sitting on the couch and write a little.
On Thursday night, I stayed out way past my bedtime (10:30 p.m.). I went to a local venue, Gottrocks, to see a band, Tuesday's Sermon. My husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law have been making guitar amps. Local musicians have been trying it out, and they really wanted Shane Pruitt, guitar player for Tuesdays Sermon, to try it out. And, since I really like Shane's style, I wanted to go too. Plus, I'm really proud of their guitar amp - it's pretty amazing.
We got to the venue early to have some dinner, and Gottrocks has a pretty mean black bean burger in case you were wondering. We were just enjoying some quality family time hanging out until the band showed up. And, then they did...and magic happened.
I'm a believer in music therapy. Music has gotten me through a lot of rough times in life. Rich lyrics have touched my heart and healed it. Listening to artists who have a real passion for their music has pulled me out of states of depression. When I was younger, I would spend hours just reading through lyrics of songs, because they helped me find faith in life again. Throughout college, concerts and anything music was one of my top priorities. I spent loads of money on music throughout the years, and I was constantly on the search for new artists who could get my soul moving. Over the past two or three years, I feel like I've given up the search a little. Music hasn't been as big a focus in my life as it has been in the past. And, I'm realizing how much I've missed it. I need it. It's medicine for a happier, more creative, and more faithful me.
The magic of Thursday night was a testimony to my spirit.
Tuesdays Sermon took the stage. The crowd was small but enthusiastic. Shane started strumming on the guitar. As usual, he got everyone's feet tapping and heads bopping. The bass player, Brandon Gillard, intrigued me. Brandon exuberated peace as he played. He looked centered and moved by the music. He was one with it. I swear he was so at peace that his heart rate had to be in rhythm with the music. Then, there was TJ Jeter. TJ is the drummer and lead vocalist. His vocals are very Curtis Mayfield. His voice is warm and smooth. Three very different personalities stood on that stage, yet they fit together like the most beautiful poetic verse.
About three songs in, I found myself closing my eyes and opening my ears and had the feeling of being exactly where I was meant to be at that exact moment - there was no other place God wanted me right then. The lyrics flowed from TJ's mouth in perfect harmony with Shane's guitar and Brandon's bass and my eyes filled with tears.
People get ready
There's a train a-coming
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear the diesels humming
Don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord
People get ready
For the train to Jordan
Picking up passengers
From coast to coast
Faith is the key
Open the doors and board them
There's room for all
Among the loved the most
There ain't no room
For the hopeless sinner
Who would hurt all mankind just
To save his own
Have pity on those
Whose chances are thinner
Cause there's no hiding place
From the Kingdom's throne...
If you don't know this song, I highly suggest taking a listen. A Rod Stewart original, I do believe, but Tuesday's Sermon consummated it. When I opened my eyes, I saw my father-in-law's face. It was glowing with jubilation and pride. I looked back at my husband. He was glowing with jubilation and pride. I looked at my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and I saw jubilation and pride. It was the most perfect equation. Such talent on that stage and such talent that created the amp in which the sound of the guitar was pouring out of. I couldn't have felt more blessed sitting on that barstool than anywhere else.
It isn't everyday you experience such a feeling, and if you don't stop to pay attention you'll miss it. It'll slip through your fingertips, and you'll never be able to grasp it again. Every person sitting in that room Thursday night was battling their own war on life, yet during that song you could feel peace and faith engulf the room. Everyone was connected - at least for a few minutes.
My God doesn't only work in a church. And, you don't have to be in a church to feel His presence. He can touch a life anywhere. All you need is faith.
#tuesdayssermon #musicistherapy #allyouneedisfaith
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