
Showing posts from August, 2017

run. pray. - When the World Stops

Last Sunday, my dear friend, Allie, ran her longest distance ever, 10 miles, in preparation for her first half marathon on Labor Day weekend. We decided to run a half together, along with my friend (who also happens to be my cousin), in memory of Allie's father who passed away last October. To say it's an honor to go on this journey with Allie is an understatement.  She spent the night at my house on Saturday, and my husband and I treated her to a home cooked, healthy meal. We popped out of bed bright and early Sunday morning, and I helped Allie prepare for the 10 miler. She was a trooper too. She agreed to take the hilly 10 mile route rather than the flat 10 mile route, because we agreed it would be better training for Shenandoah.  We ate protein bars. We had our hydration water. We hit up the bathroom. We gathered our run nutrition. We stretched and warmed up our bodies. And, we hit the pavement. Thirty seconds jogging. Thirty seconds walking. We stuck to these thirty...

run. pray. - Tupac Preached to Me

Last night, my cousin sent me a link to a song that helped her push through an eight mile run. My husband and I were listening to it, and he made the comment, "She just likes that song because of the lyrics. I can't listen to the lyrics when I'm exercising." He's more of a music kind of person. I replied, "Really? When I'm exercising, the lyrics are more clear to me. I really hear them. When I listen to music in the car or other places, I'm really good at blocking everything out." I'm more of a lyrics kind of person. Lyrics move my soul. They speak to me spiritually in a way. This morning, I went for a run. It was a hilly run but relatively short. Around mile two, I started to feel a little uneasy. Heartburn started creeping in and a little nausea. So, of course, I decided to throw in three uphill sprints. Each sprint was about 150 meters. Yea, that made it way worse, and I thought I was going to vomit. The nausea didn't go away, but I ...

teach. pray. - Daring Greatly, A Teacher's Perspective

Yesterday, as I was driving to Hobby Lobby (that place is dangerous) to purchase things for my new classroom, I was listening to a podcast (I LOVE podcasts) and Oprah was interviewing Dr. Brenee Brown for Supersoul Sunday. I'm addicted to Brenee Brown, Liz Gilbert, Rob Bell, Cheryl Strayed, Glennon Doyle Melton...I just connect with these people when I hear them speak and read their writings. It's like I'm meant to be in their circle. They make me feel not so alone in this great big scary world. Anyway, this interview resonated with me. Dr. Brenee Brown has spent over a decade studying vulnerability and shame. Her research is fascinating and incredibly insightful. Since I was in the teacher frame of mind, I found a lot of this podcast resonating with me as a teacher, however, it will also be applied to my non-teacher life. “Perfectionism is a self destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I ...

pray. - Love Carries You Over Mountains

August 2, 2017 marks our third anniversary. We arrived home from Canada this morning close to 1 a.m. It was one of the best trips we've taken. I'm not sure either of us expected the adventures we experienced, but often times, the unexpected adventures are the most memorable. When I met Matt the first time, I never expected to fall in love with him, but lord and behold, a year or so later we'd meet again, and he swept me off my feet. Ultimately, the unexpected is what life is all about. The unexpected is what fills life with life. It moves us out of habit into existence. The unexpected shapes us.  Day one in Canada can only be described as unexpected. We hit the road from Cochrane to Banff pretty early in the morning, after all, we were fresh and full of energy and ready to explore. We didn't have a specific plan other than to hike. I had a few print outs of scenic hikes, but we weren't really sure how to get to any of them. After entering the park, we passed the e...