run. pray. - When the World Stops

Last Sunday, my dear friend, Allie, ran her longest distance ever, 10 miles, in preparation for her first half marathon on Labor Day weekend. We decided to run a half together, along with my friend (who also happens to be my cousin), in memory of Allie's father who passed away last October. To say it's an honor to go on this journey with Allie is an understatement. She spent the night at my house on Saturday, and my husband and I treated her to a home cooked, healthy meal. We popped out of bed bright and early Sunday morning, and I helped Allie prepare for the 10 miler. She was a trooper too. She agreed to take the hilly 10 mile route rather than the flat 10 mile route, because we agreed it would be better training for Shenandoah. We ate protein bars. We had our hydration water. We hit up the bathroom. We gathered our run nutrition. We stretched and warmed up our bodies. And, we hit the pavement. Thirty seconds jogging. Thirty seconds walking. We stuck to these thirty...