teach. pray. - Wanted: A Chance...
The first week of summer has been pretty great. Living life at my own pace with no alarm clock or schedule is a pretty good gig. In the weeks leading up to my summer break, I set some goals for myself. They look something like this:
- Help my husband build his business and get organized.
- Help with more projects around the house.
- Write more-attempt poetry again.
- Read more.
- Get to know my community better.
- Take an online communications course.
- Attempt at least one Toastmasters class.
I've been busy getting a few of those rolling like helping Matt get organized and working in the yard to get things a little tidier and put together. Yesterday, I started a book a student recommended, and I'm awaiting a book I ordered by Sister Joan Chittister (it's about growing older gracefully...getting to my mid-30s has been slightly tough on me). I have plans to start the online course within the next two weeks, and here I am writing. Attempting the Toastmasters class is going to be the most difficult one for me. It's going to require me to be vulnerable and step WAY outside my comfort zone. So, we'll see how that goes, and I'll try to keep you all posted. Anyway, I guess I'm telling you ALL of this simply to get to this next point.
As I was picking up things around the house and vacuuming our dog hair ridden floor, I remembered a piece of work a student completed at the end of the year. Here it is:
Her piece of work launched an idea. Why not provide me that chance? What I've learned over time is the way we think and often the ideas we believe are formed by experiences. So, if I want to change and be a more understanding person and a more open person toward those different from me, the chance to meet new people and learn about what happened in their life is the first step. The only way to truly understand why people think and believe different ideas than me is to get to know them and their experiences. I may leave the conversation in disagreement, but I bet I'll leave the conversation with new understanding and a new found respect for the person's beliefs and ideals. And, maybe, they'll leave the conversation with the same newfound understanding and respect, in turn, creating more tolerance and love in the world.
So, here's a new goal (or two) to add to my list.
- Meet up with at least one person I don't know well each week and just talk with them about whatever topics come up regardless of how superficial or deep or awkward the topic may be. Be honest and authentic with them.
- Write about my experience. Share it with others. And, challenge others to do the same.
Let's see what comes of this fifth grader's idea. Who wants to meet up with me first?
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