teach. - Shadow Puppets, Balloon Popping, Pin Smashing Fun
I've been really slack when it comes to blogging about the classroom. The thing is it's IEP season for me, and my daily class schedule and plans are revolving around scheduling IEP meetings, writing IEPs, and holding IEP meetings. My resource schedule has been off and the kids hate it as much as I do. Regardless, we've managed to have some fun. Learning should be engaging. Learning should involve play as much as possible. Learning should be hands on and involve problem solving and social interaction. Learning should be fun. So, my inclusion teachers and I have been working really hard to be creative in order to engage. I mean spring fever is in the air, and we've gotta stay on our toes. Kids need to be busy - not just to be busy - but to be engaged in meaningful busyness to keep them focused on the end goal: LEARNING IS A LIFELONG ENDEAVOR THAT NEVER ENDS. Here comes the fun. Some of my younger students have been working on summarizing in their classrooms. ...