
Showing posts from February, 2020

teach. pray. - The Anxiety of Success

The word success and I have always had a complicated relationship. For as far back as I can remember, my family drilled in my head that success equated money. Success most likely equated money because my family was poor, although, my family crossed the line to middle-class when my mom went from a textile factory worker to a graphic designer for that textile factory. Lucky for us, my mom had some mad art skills. But, even then, we were bottom end middle-class, one paycheck away from poor, because, from the time I was seven, until pretty much all of my young life, my mom was a single parent, or she was the primary financial provider. Therefore, conversations about money, budgeting, and the cost of living were always being had. To this day, I cringe hearing any phrase relatively close to, "Oh, that cost some money." On a more positive note, I'm a queen at budgeting and at maintaining minimal debt.   Success , in turn, has always meant credentials, job security, and money,...