
Showing posts from June, 2019

pray. - Inadequate

Inadequate courage Defeats my dreams of success Here I stand deflated I feel so much more burning deep inside and begging to be known. This is not all I am. This is not my potential. I was born to be more - to make a bigger change - to be a catalyst for revolution. But, the darkness slowly creeps and steals my light. For weeks, maybe even months, I've allowed the night to take control of my glow. Constantly comparing myself to others. "I'm not fit enough." "I'm not pretty enough." "I'm so plain and simple." "I'm not smart enough." "I don't work hard enough." "I don't sacrifice enough." "I'm not feminine enough." "I'm not motherly enough." "I'm not enough." For a while now, I've continuously fed myself the line, "I'm not enough." And, maybe this comes with fear of new territory. I'm working on...